Wednesday 20 December 2017

Jubilee is a kingdom key

Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 3rd December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Jubilee is a kingdom key
Introduction: A key can be defined as a means of access into any kind of place. For instance, every room in a house usually has a key hole or place depending on the type of key one uses that enables one enter the room. In the modern day civilization, unlike before when a key was a little metal cut to the shape of the keyhole; new things are used as well like cards, remote control keys, finger prints, word codes and the like.
Irrespective of what kind of key we choose to use for our homes for instance, we have to acknowledge that some keys command more attention than others based on their perceived importance. A front door key is more important than a bedroom key especially when you are going out of the house. This is because you must prevent access into your home by unwanted guests like thieves. On the other hand, even the bedroom doors are left open when we go out of the house so long as the front door has been shut. Your life could be likened to the house and the keys to access into your life. Before anyone can gain access into any private part of your life, they must have engaged the first key of relationship which could be likened to the key to the main front door of your house. Some people use the back door like into the kitchen though. In the same way, to enter into God’s world places a demand of relationship on us which is the first key of the kingdom of heaven. The means of access called relationship with God is divine revelation which is what Peter found in Mt.16:16-17 as disclosed to us by the Lord. When he found it, the Lord went ahead to promise him the keys of the kingdom of God to enable him live this life.
 The keys of the kingdom of heaven [Mt.16:15-19]: From our text scripture here, it is clear that we access the kingdom by the revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God and faith in Him makes us new creations and we become members of God’s family. In this family, we are entitled to the wealth of our father God as joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ and the means by which we access this wealth is walking in His ways [See Is.55:8]. God’s ways may be a secret to a lost world but not to us His Children. He causes us to know and walk in His ways by delivering to us the keys of His kingdom which are the revelations of God to us on how to live life in this kingdom.
For every area of life in God’s kingdom, there are keys we must engage to find access because it is a different world from the one we were living in as sinners. When we gets born again, we are expected to grow in this new kingdom into adults so that we can become qualified for all the advantages reserved for us when we grow into sons. All these truths are open secrets sprawled all over the word of God for us to take advantage of. This is why the Lord likened those who hear his word and do it and those who hear and do not do it as builders. The wise ones would hear and do and endure whereas the foolish ones would hear and not do and therefore not endure.
The summation of the keys of the Kingdom:  When the Lord came, He summed up the keys of the kingdom in these words:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Mk.12:30-31. See also Mt.22:35-40.
Then in the New Testament, we are taught that the new commandment for us is to walk in love. Anyone who walks in love would bear the fruit of the spirit and therefore not offend any commandment of God. See Jn.13:34-35; 1Jn.4:7-8 & 20.
According to the Lord all the laws of the Old Testament hang on these two principles. This is what makes this the master key of the kingdom of God.
Jubilee is a key of the kingdom of God: From what we have seen so far about loving the Lord and our neighbors if we exercise in the laws that regulates Jubilee, we would be honoring God and therefore walking in love when our motive is to please him by so doing. Let us look at what Jubilee entailed in Lev.25, 26; Mt.6:12-15 and Mk.11:24-26 [KJV].  
Someone may say I am being legalistic; I wish to tender a dissenting view by letting you know that the King of Kings has a right to His own culture which every citizen of the kingdom of God must live by and the truth is that it is not a grievous culture because he has provided all we need for life and godliness. In other words, he has provided access to His grace which is the supernatural power to do what we cannot do of our own. All we need to access His grace is to engage the key of boldness with prayer. See 1Jn.5:3; Heb.4:16 and Phlp.2:13-14.
    Benefits provided by Jubilee and the demands:
1.     The children of Israel were to sound a trumpet for the jubilee every forty nine years being the seventh of seven years. With this, they were expected to rejoice before the Lord. They were also to restore the property they purchased from the poor among them back to them.
2.     They were to release those held in bondage in exchange for debt owed to them back to their families. This was a strong demand to forgive.
3.     Jubilee provides for the children of Israel and us today to rest and be refreshed just like God rested after all his work of recreation and was refreshed.
4.     Jubilee gives us a general opportunity to forgive and relieve them of their burdens of debt to us just like Jesus did for us when He took our place in redemption.
5.     Jubilee provides us an opportunity of becoming restored and refreshed from the effects of the heat of the battles we are engaged in with the forces of darkness in this wicked world. God brings us light that dispels the ignorance that kept us in the dark of our solution. We thus receive the solution and are refreshed from the effects of the heat of the battle so we can prosper as God intends for us.
6.     The proof that they received all these blessings from God was their response in gratitude and praise to God.
As we come to the last month of the first or our seven years as a ministry, we are thankful that God has graciously declared this month a jubilee for us. The implication of this is that God has chosen to bring us rest and refreshing and healings and restorations as we come to this concluding month so that each of us would receive fresh opportunities for advancements in our journey with Him in time. I believe that God wants us to have the best of all he has for us and that each of us would have no more hindrances to fulfilling our destinies.
We shall stop here for today. Next week, we are going to continue looking at this theme by listing out some keys of the kingdom we can identify and focus on our total wellbeing with nothing missing and nothing broken. 
However, as we saw earlier, the first key we can engage for access into all these blessings is the key of access into God’s kingdom. In Daniel 2:44, we learn from prophecy that God will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed but shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever. This is the kingdom Jesus came to institute and which apostle Paul in Col.1:13 refers to as the Kingdom of the Son of God. Access into this kingdom is by the new birth as Jesus teaches in John 3:3-6. If you are reading this blog and have not yet taken advantage of this opportunity to belong to this kingdom, this is your chance and it is free of charge. The only demand God has placed on each of us is to believe. If you believe, you can prove it right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

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