Monday 17 April 2017

The Great Physician’s prescription Pt.1

Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Message for Sunday the 16th of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: The Great Physician’s prescription Pt.1
Introduction: We began to see who the great physician is last week and we also looked at our covenant of divine healing and health. Today, having established that Jesus Christ is the one the Bible refers to as the great physician; we want to take the time to look at some of his prescription for out total healing and health.
When we go to the medics for any kind of health issue, we expect them to be able to investigate our complaints and come up with a diagnosis and possible cure or management of the health situation as the case may be. In the same way, because we recognize the Lord as the great physician, we can go to him like we go to the doctor and have our health issues resolved. The difference between the Lord and other doctors is that in His clinic, every health issue can receive healing. In addition, there is no hopeless case with him when He is properly consulted because even the dead are raised in His clinic. A good example of this is the raising of a four days old dead called Lazarus in John 11. Now let us see his healing methods and prescription here.
The great Physician’s prescriptions for total healing and health:
1.     The first and most important prescription for total healing and health the great physician offers is his word. This is the greatest prescription because His word is the source and maker of all good things visible and invisible whether thrones or dominion. All things were made by his word and for His word. See John 1:1-3; Col.1:16-17; Ps.33:6, 9; 107:19-20; Mt.8:16 and Prov.4:20-22.
How the word works:
·        As medicine, it cures you of any sickness when it is released through speech in faith. It is released in faith when it is coming from a heart connected to the Lord especially in an intimate relationship. The closer you are in fellowship with God, the faster it works for you. As the word is released through speech, it cuts through the joints and goes straight to the bone marrow and multiplies white blood cells in your marrow responsible for destroying the disease until the patient is completely healed. The word required for this is the word of God on healing revealed by the Holy Spirit to you and confirmed with the word of God on that occasion. See Heb.4:12; Isa.53:1-5; Ps.107:20; Mt.8:14-17 and 1Pet.2:24.
·        Where surgery is required, the word carries out surgical functions and removes the source of infirmity without causing the patient’s blood to be spilled in any way. Don’t forget that the great physician is also the greatest surgeon in all existence. It was by occupying His office as a surgeon that He brought out the first woman from the first man after causing the man to fall into a deep sleep. See Gen.2:18-23 and 1Tim.2:13-15.
·        Where body parts are missing, the word has the creative ability to create new body parts. See the example of the healing of the man born blind healed by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry and the lame man healed by him through his apostles after his ascension. Please understand that God is wiser than any human manufacturer; if mere men can be responsible enough to make spare parts for their products, how much more God! There are spares of all our body parts in heaven; if there is need for any, we can receive them by faith. See Jn.9:1-9 and Acts 3:1-10.
·        The word heals psychological issues. This is why the diseases of the mind also known as mental illnesses which are merely managed by men can be healed by the word of God through casting out devils and mind renewal. See Rm.12:1-2; Jos.1:8; Mt.8:16; Mk.16:17; Lk.13:32 and Jas.1:21.

2.     The gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit: On his first coming, before going to the Cross and taking our place, the Lord promised that when He departed, He was going to send us the gift of the Holy Spirit from the father who would teach us all things, lead us into all truths; show us things to come and take of the father and him and show unto us. See John 14:26 and 16:13-14. True to His word, on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the Holy Ghost came and filled the disciples and has been around in the world since then. The disciples were then empowered to do everything the Lord did during his earthly ministry like healing the sick, casting out devils and raising the dead. See Acts 1:8.
·        Through the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1Cor.12:7-11: These gifts are diverse but it is the working of the same Holy Spirit towards achieving the same objective in the mind of God and the goal is to glorify God. See 1Cor.13:1-13 on the means of making these gifts work effectively.
·        The Holy Spirit works through ministry gifts: There are five fold ministry gifts listed for us in the bible in Eph.4:7-16. These gifts are people separated by God from the foundation of the world to fulfill His purpose of bringing healing and health to his body so we can grow up in him to do the work of the ministry and grow into the fullness of Christ where sicknesses and diseases are completely eliminated. See Gal.1:15-20 and Lk.6:12-19; 10:1 and Acts 13:1-3.
·        He works through divine guidance showing us things from the father and the Son so that we begin to do what they are doing just like Jesus always sought to do what the father was doing. See Jn.14:26; 16:13; Jn.5:19-21; verse 30 and Acts 16:7-10.
We shall stop here for today. We will continue with the second part of this message next week as we will be looking at using the mysteries or keys of the Kingdom of God which Jesus promised us to unlock the solution to infirmity and come on top of all our health challenges in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, anyone reading this piece that is yet to make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives will have to do so to enjoy all these benefits we are talking about because healing is the children’s bread [Mk.7:25-27]. Therefore the first step to taking advantage of all we are looking at today is that you must be born again. Now that you know; if you have decided to make this choice; please say the following prayer out loud in faith with me and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    


  1. This exaltation on healing blessed me. I especially love the inference that the application of 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 is the guidelines to healing. I'm looking forward to the next part in this Holy Spirit inspired teaching. Thank you, my wonderful Sister.

  2. Thanks ma, it's been some time! Hope to see you soon!
