Saturday 8 April 2017

What to be to Succeed

Messages for March 2017: Our Month of Felicitations
Message for Sunday the 12th of March 2017
Theme Understanding God’s Principles of Success
Topic: What to be to Succeed
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at what success really is and we established that success is the discovery, diligent pursuit and completion of one’s divine purpose. In the course of looking at that message, we saw that people only become what they are. Thus for a person to attain to success, there must be some qualities about that person that would ultimately make them succeed. Therefore, today we shall be looking at what to be to succeed. Please understand that it is who you are that determines what you do which ultimately impacts on your life and environment.
What to be to succeed: This month so far, we have begun to try to understand success from God’s perspective. This has become necessary because of the importation of the world’s understanding of the word to the Church and the result is the current unproductivity of many Christians and Churches to the point of threatening the end time harvest. But if we learn to view success from God’s perspective, we would become what we need to become to succeed and would therefore bring glory to God.  The following are therefore the qualities required of a person who wants to fulfill their destinies which are destinies of success as it is the will of God above all things that we prosper and be in health and this is a manifestation of success [3Jn.1:2]:
Be faithful:  To be faithful is to be trustworthy in the handling of both tangible and intangible resources committed to a person. A faithful person would always be blessed as faithfulness is really the foundation of fruitfulness. A faithful person can always be counted on. Faithful people do not waste their time and talent; they put them to productive use. The result of being faithful is that a faithful person always has the ability of causing whatever resources that are entrusted to them to increase and multiply. See the example of the parable of the Talent and pounds in Mt.25 and Lk.19 respectively. In Lk.12:42-52 a faithful person is described as the one who understands his mission and pursues it undistracted even when the master is not there. When the master comes, a faithful person is found at his or her duty post. The result of faithfulness is the blessing of God abounding towards the faithful - Prov.28:20.
Be wise: Wisdom is the principal subject of life which everyone is expected to enroll in and pass to be able to succeed. Prov.4:7; Mt.7:24-27 – Wisdom can be defined as the accurate application of relevant knowledge. It is determining the skill required to be acquired in your field and diligently acquiring and honing it to fulfill your divine purpose. Wisdom is the know how of life that causes you not to labour like the foolish who never get to arrive at the city of their God given purpose. Without wisdom, we labour endlessly with little or no result. Wisdom makes us gain speed in life for the accomplishment of our purpose. Wisdom will enable you to do much more in a shorter time than if you lack it. See Eccl.10:15.
Be diligent: Diligence can be defined as constructive hard work. It takes diligence for you to be able to seek and find the answer to why you are and to pursue your purpose to its logical conclusion. It takes diligence to start to run on the journey of destiny and to be resilient enough to get to the end of it in spite of every effort of hell to try to stop you. The opposite of diligence is slothfulness. No slothful person ever emerges a success because success is the exclusive preserve of the diligent. This explains why only the diligent stand before kings. The best a slothful person can get in life are mean men trying to underestimate their value and that is not the kind of life any right thinking person wants to live.  Note that it takes diligence to live godly. All you need to do to live an ungodly life is nothing. Diligence has the ability to command the respect of others and makes them open doors of opportunities to you. See Prov.22:29; 27:23-27 and 2Pet.2:1-11.
Be creative: Creativity is the ability to bring out much good out of little or nothing. This is the nature of God that enabled him to create the seen and unseen world out of just His word. In Gen.1, we saw where God began to create the world. All He had to work with was His imagination and speech. To create all the beautiful planets and the heavens and earth that we see today did not require any money, all the capital God had was His vision and speech. We are said to be made in His image and after His likeness. This is why I am always amazed when people claim that they cannot get things done because they do not have money. Please understand that money is a creation of man and its source is not money but wisdom. In Prov.8:12, wisdom tells us that he dwells with prudence and finds out knowledge of witty inventions. With the knowledge of witty inventions, you can generate all the money required to fulfill your purpose. So money is not really what you need to succeed but grace to be creative.  Prov.31:11ff woman. When you are creative, you will have the ability to bear much fruit thereby fulfilling God’s will for your life. See Jn.15:8.
Be spiritual: To be spiritual is to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh. It is a life style regulated by the dictates of the word of God and the Holy Spirit. This life style does not pertain to the natural man. It is the impartation of divine nature into man through the intimate knowledge of God. To attain to this we must first embrace the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Then give diligence to pay the price of adding all the necessary ingredients to our faith as taught us by Apostle Peter in 2Pet.1:4-11. anyone who refuses to be spiritual makes himself or herself an enemy of God and the result is that such a person cannot receive divine ability or grace to succeed and would therefore not be able to fulfill their destinies. See1Cor.2:13-14; Rm.8:5-8 and Gal.5:16-17.
Be a doer of the word of God:   A doer of the word of God is one who takes action based on the word of God. We are told in the book of James quoted here that the blessing of God is only reserved for the doer of the word of God and not for those who only hear without doing. To be blessed is to be empowered to succeed. This is why Jesus Christ died for us. In Gal.3:13-14 we are told that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us so that we can receive the blessing of Abraham. Note here that Abraham became a custodian of the blessing of the entire human race through his obedience to the word of God and his obedience was so admirable. It was usually prompt and delightsome. See Gen.12:1-4 and 17:23. The importance of doing the word of God cannot be overemphasized. This is why the Lord went into great lengths to teach and preach about it. See Mt.7:24-27; Jn.14:21-24; Mt.7:21 and James 1:22-25.
I will draw the curtain here today believing God that this understanding would help us to focus more on who we are becoming knowing that who we are is what would enable us to be truly fruitful in the work of our hands.
Someone is reading this now that is yet to make the first connection necessary to be able to start becoming considering that this message is for the living and not all who are still outside the grace of God. Should you desire to be initiated into the family of God today, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

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