Thursday 6 July 2017

Welcome to the month of July 2017: Our Month of Destiny

Welcome to the month of July 2017: Our Month of Destiny
“… wist ye not that I must be about my father’s business?” Lk.2:49 ; “…I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that thou and thy seed may live.”Deu.30:19
Each time I have had to teach about destiny has been very exciting for me because the message of destiny always has a way of provoking me to look at what matters most in life. It is interesting to know that all around us, the majority of people are always running busily around what does not really matter and doing it with such passion due to the darkness of their hearts that even the living among them may become tempted to think that they are doing the right thing.
This month of July, God’s desire for us after the first half of the year is to see us putting our energy in what really counts for our lives. He has therefore graciously named this month to us to be our month of destiny. So many abuse this word because of their ignorance of what it truly means. What then is destiny?
Destiny according to the Advanced Learners English dictionary is a predetermined course of events. While this definition gives us an idea of what destiny means, it does not paint the true picture of destiny in that certain truths are missing in this definition. When we refer back to the manufacturer of man, we would discover that there is a choice element in His definition of destiny which is missing here. The book of Deu.30:19 quoted above fills this gap. So I would define destiny as a predetermined course of events determined by the choices we make.
A look at the Bible which is God’s manual for mankind and his environment would disclose to us that God’s plan for each of us is a good one and that following His plan for our lives would end us up in a glorious destiny. Last month we saw that even though we are glorious beings, we have no glory of our own except we are properly positioned to reflect the glory of God like the moon reflects the glory of the sun depending on its positioning.
Dr Myles Munroe of blessed memory defines destiny as the pursuit of purpose. This definition helps us to see another element in destiny which places a responsibility on us to first discover our purpose before we can begin to talk of destiny. The reason is that the purpose of a thing is only known by the manufacturer of the product. In our case, only God knows why He made each of us and for us to know it we must first go to him to discover it. This makes purpose a product of our discovery and not something we create for ourselves. The means by which purpose is unfolded to us is called vision. When we receive a vision of our purpose from God, we are expected to immediately get into business and start to run with it because indeed; destiny is the pursuit of purpose. As we pursue our God ordained purpose, we are running in our destinies.
Destiny is therefore a journey from the discovery of purpose to its logical conclusion in the plan of God. Believe me; except the plan with which you are running is God’s plan unfolded to you, you are not yet a child of destiny and living like that is living a wasted life. From Jer.29:11 we can understand that God has a good plan for each of us; a plan to prosper us and not to harm us; a plan to give us a hope and a future. From this text, it is clear that the fulfillment of our destiny is rooted in discovering and running in God’s plan and not the plan we make for ourselves.
The question this poses to us: whose plan are you running with? Are you running with God’s plan or yours or the devil’s? This question is what we shall be seeking to answer among other things in this month of destiny. To this end this month, we shall be looking at a series I title: “UNDERSTANDING THE PURSUIT OF OUR PURPOSE”. We shall therefore first find out what destiny is and how it relates to the pursuit of our purpose for living and what we can do to actualize our divine destiny. While we are at this, we shall also see that there are two kinds of destiny choices available to man and which one we are to choose. Then we shall be looking at how our destiny choices can make or mar us forever.
God’s desire for us this month is that each of us would clarify from him if we are running in the destiny He has ordained for us or not and to commence a journey with Him that would see us arriving at His destination of His expected end for our lives.
Once again; I welcome you to the month of July 2017 which God had graciously tagged our month of destiny in His prophetic agenda. Someone may be reading this resource that is yet to be sure of their stand with God as far as redemption is concerned. Today, we extend to you another opportunity of making sure of your stand with God if you will say the following prayer out loud in faith and trust God to make you one of His children as a result:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

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